Recent Blog Posts
From our various blogs...
Thank You, Volunteers!
The Value of One, The Power of Many: A Salute to Our Volunteers…
Upcoming Education Session
We are pleased to announce our next live online session, this coming Monday, January 25th...
Being a Family Caregiver During the Pandemic
We would like to say thank you to our speakers, Monique and Lisa, for their heartfelt...
“Impact of COVID-19 on seniors living in facilities and the general community”
Dear members of AGNA Calgary Chapter We invite you to join us on line for...
2020 Nominations to Executive
Thank Your Nurse Hero!
Happy Nurses Week! 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife Join ARNET and CWB Wealth Management to Thank...
National Nursing Week 2020…and more
National Nursing Week 2020 Nurses: A Voice to Lead — Nursing the World to Health...
AGNA AGM and Education Day 2020 Postponement
The purpose of AGNA is to bring together nurses who are interested in gerontology and...
Call for Poster Abstracts
The AGNA Conference Committee would like to invite poster abstract submissions for the Annual Alberta Gerontological Nurses...