National Nursing Week 2020…and more

National Nursing Week 2020

Nurses: A Voice to Lead — Nursing the World to Health

May 11, 2020, marks the beginning of National Nursing Week. This annual recognition event is well known and celebrated internationally. The World Health Organization declared 2020 to be the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife to recognize the contribution that nurses bring to the health and well-being of others worldwide.  We are professionals well known for selfless acts of commitment, compassion, and caring.

While this week on a calendar is only a moment in time, this 2020 Nursing Week is particularly momentous as we acknowledge the profound contribution of our profession in the battle against COVID-19. Many of you and your peers are working to protect, and mitigate harm and are supporting communities as well as individuals.  You are working long hours away from family and friends to keep others safe.

Many of you volunteer in capacities that support our profession or have come out of retirement to assist.  The Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association (AGNA) are thankful for each one of you. Your endeavors to minimize impact to our most vulnerable is nothing but heroic.

CGNA Conference 2019

A year ago last week, AGNA hosted the CGNA biennial conference, Older Persons Climbing Mountains. This conference in Calgary was exceptionally successful due to all of your work and attendance.  CGNA has just completed the financials for the last fiscal year and approved AGNA, as the hosting provincial association, the recipient of a significant portion of the conference proceeds. Well done to all of you who participated in the conference committee, in particular AGNA members, Cheryl Knight and Kathleen Hunter who co-chaired the organizing committee. We are so very proud of the work that you all did.


AGNA will be holding a first virtual Annual General Meeting in June 2020. We hope that you will participate and consider volunteering to join the executive as we have some open positions. If you are interested, please contact your chapter chair.

On behalf of your AGNA Executive Committee, we thank you for your contributions to our profession and we acknowledge you and your peers for this very special Nursing Week.

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