Our fiscal year runs from April 1st to March 31st, with any changes in the Executive (usually) occurring at the beginning of April to correspond with our Annual General Meeting.
If you are interested in getting involved with AGNA, please reach out to us at info@agna.ca or president@agna.ca.
Current Provincial Executive and Board is as follows:
President: J. David Patterson
Past-President: Kelly Baskerville
President-Elect: Vacant
Secretary: Terri Woytkiw
Treasurer: Brittany Walsh
Advocacy: Yvonne Appah
Membership: Catriona Blythe
Communications: Gina Jang & Stephanie Bailey
Each Chapter's Chairperson also sits on the Executive:
Chapter Chairs:
Edmonton: Nadeth Palmer
Calgary: Ilavarasi Gajendran
Red Deer: Audrey Pennycook
Webmaster: Brian Ward