Mission and Objectives


The mission of AGNA is to provide leadership in promoting excellence in gerontological nursing in Alberta.


    • To promote high standards of gerontological nursing in Alberta
    • To promote and provide continuing learning opportunities in gerontological nursing
    • To advocate, foster, and participate in activities which promote the health and quality of life of older adults in the Alberta community
    • To promote networking opportunities for nurses
    • To promote and disseminate gerontological nursing research
    • To present the views of AGNA to government, educational, professional and other appropriate bodies
    • To assist in developing a supportive, healthy work-life environment for gerontological nurses in Alberta

Developed Feb.1997

Reviewed and revised April 2001, April 2005, January 2006, January 2009, June 2009, and July 2023.
This statement of objectives, which support the overall purpose of the Association, will guide the activities of the Association. These objectives will be developed, reviewed, and/or revised, as appropriate, by the Executive in collaboration with members, at least once every 2 years.

Nurse is defined according to the Alberta Provincial Health Professions Act.

For more information contact the President at president@agna.ca or any of the executive.

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