- Interested in obtaining C.N.A. certification in gerontological nursing?
- Working on your continuous learning plan?
- Want to review competencies for working with older people?
We can help!
The Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association contributes to the CGNA Gerontological Nursing Standards of Practice and Competences (4th Ed, 2020). These form the basis for content of the Canadian Nurses' Association's certification exams.
As an AGNA and CGNA member, you have access to a library of recorded webinars, which you can access for free when you are logged in to each website. You can find information on exam-writing strategy and hear speakers who are experts in several competencies. Non-members can access webinars for a fee on the CGNA website. Watch our blog for announcements on any upcoming webinars.
If you are looking for an interactive study group, please contact us at info@agna.ca. We run online or hybrid groups based on demand, so we depend on a minimum number of participants to organize and support this learning opportunity. Note, this is open to anybody who is interested, and always welcome interest for facilitators (did you know CNA will grant you continuing learning hours when you facilitate study groups?)
If you are looking for information on CNA Certification in Gerontological Nursing, see their website, here. We are proud that gerontology is one of the few specialties available to RNs, LPNs and RPNs.
Extra support is available in the Calgary area - you can take a look at the Calgary Chapter Events for more information.