Hello, AGNA members from Calgary!
We are calling for nominations for various chapter executive positions and trainees:
- Chair-elect
- Trainee Secretary
- Trainee Treasurer
- Social Planner
- Project Liaison
- Academic Liaison
- Membership
- Technology
These volunteer positions offer great opportunities for advancing your leadership, communication, teamwork skills, and networking with other nurse colleagues beyond your practice areas - long-term, community, acute, academic, and other nursing and community organizations!
The Calgary chapter thrives on volunteerism, and we strongly encourage our chapter members to voice their ideas, provide input, and take on various executive roles. We are always looking for energetic, passionate RN and LPN colleagues who can share their expertise, experience, and creativity!
Requirements: Your passion! While a lack of previous experience in committee/executive positions may be a barrier, we share our experiential knowledge and skills with you. We are a strong team of nurse colleagues from diverse practice backgrounds who love to grow together.
Time commitment: While it depends on the role, it typically entails 2-4 hours of commitment per month.
Benefits: are numerous such as opportunities for professional development, leadership, mentorship, project/event management skills and more! You may get to initiate or participate in various advocacy, educational, and networking activities for gerontological nursing and older adults population - current examples include facilitating study groups for CNA certification, advocating for the gerontological healthcare workforce, organizing educational/networking sessions, conferences, and attending conferences and events as a sponsored delegate!
You can nominate a member or yourself at the coming Calgary Chapter AGM on May 11, 2023, or by email (calgary-chair@agna.ca). Only current members can nominate or vote at AGM, so please renew your membership if it has lapsed. Detailed AGM information can be found at: https://agna.ca/calgary-chapter-agm-save-the-date/ and poster AGNA Poster for AGM and education - 2023May11. Please register your seat at the AGM and panel discussion with gerontological nurse leaders! Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/honoring-our-nurses-past-current-and-future-panel-annual-agm-tickets-593438329017
Or, to become a member, please visit: https://www.agna.ca/membership/join-agna-2/ Our membership welcomes all nurses (LPNs, RNs, NPs, and DNPs) and nursing students who are interested in working with older adults!
Direct your inquiries to calgary-chair@agna.ca.
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