Join us in celebrating National Indigenous History month! Every June, Canadians celebrate National Indigenous History Month, to honor the invaluable historic and present-day contributions and cultures of Indigenous Peoples.
As Gerontological nurses, we provide individualized care to individuals and communities. To support your competency, you can plan to review any of these topics; read an article, watch a webinar, or complete a module. Reflect on whether your own practice reflects our current knowledge and standards, and where there is opportunity for improvement.
Unsure where to start? Consider your professional Association’s website (CARNA: nurses.ab. CLPNA: , CRPNA: or the Canadian Nurses Association: Or look for reliable sources of information, such as: Visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation’s website. Government of Canada - National Indigenous History Month 2021
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Annual General Meeting. We plan to resume our member events in the Fall- please let us know what topics you want to learn about!