CGNA 2019 Registration is now OPEN!

Registration Now Open! Full Program Available!
Early Bird Fees through March 17, 2019!

Older Persons Climbing Mountains: Journeys & Transitions
May 2-4, 2019 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

20th Biennial Conference of the
Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association

The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association and the Alberta
Gerontological Nurses Association are excited to announce that
registration is now open for CGNA2019, the 20th Biennial Conference of
the CGNA, taking place May 2-4, 2019 in beautiful Calgary, Alberta,

The CGNA biennial conference is the only event of its kind that
focuses on all facets of education, practice and research in the care
of older adults.

With an increasingly ageing population, it is critical that
gerontological nurses remain engaged with the latest developments in
research and practice in the field.

The CGNA conference is a key educational and networking event for
nurses, students, educators, policy makers, administrators and all
others in the field of gerontological nursing.

Visit the CGNA2019 website to register and learn more about the
conference, including the conference program, speakers, venue, and
hotel and travel discounts:

CGNA members save on conference registration fees, among many other
benefits!  For more information, please visit

Sponsor or exhibit at CGNA2019! There are exciting opportunities to
showcase your organization or company to leaders in gerontological
nursing. For more information, please read our Sponsorship &
Exhibiting Prospectus:

Early bird registration fees end March 17, 2019!

Follow us to keep updated on CGNA2019!




We look forward to seeing you in Calgary!

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