CASN Gerontology ETP Competencies

This past year, the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) began developing entry-to-practice competencies for undergraduate education that detail the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to provide gerontological nursing care.

Following an environmental scan of current domestic and international guidelines, core competencies and indicators were developed for the integration of gerontological nursing care content into undergraduate nursing programs.

An in-person stakeholder forum that included individuals from practice, education and policy, was held in Ottawa, Ontario to review and refine the document. As a final step to ensure that the competencies are appropriate for integration into schools of nursing curricula, we would be grateful for your feedback. I would greatly appreciate it if you, or any other stakeholders, would take the time to complete the online survey on the draft Entry-to-Practice Gerontological Competencies for Undergraduate Nursing Education.


Please feel free to circulate the survey link to anyone in your network who you think would like an opportunity to contribute the future of nursing education in this important area. The survey will be open until Tuesday, September 19th, 2017.


To complete the survey, please click here:


Many thanks for your contribution in this process.

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