Greetings to our Calgary AGNA Chapter members!
To celebrate Canadian Patient Safety Week, the Calgary Chapter held a joint event with the Alberta Association on Gerontology and the Kerby Centre on November 1st, with a presentation and discussion on safe medication use for seniors. We were thrilled to have a group of 13 seniors and 15 health care professionals in attendance, and the conversations were very engaging. A huge thanks goes out to presenters Mollie Cole and Safia Khaflan, who shared information from the Canadian Deprescribing Network.
You can find the website, here:
There were several AGNA members who expressed interest in this event, but could not attend an early-afternoon session. Our presenter has graciously agreed offer this same session online on Wednesday, November 21st, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Please see our poster, here:
AGNA Deprescribing webinar nov 21
Gerontological nurses often talk about their own knowledge of medications, but for this session, we learn to coach seniors and their caregivers to advocate for their own care, to understand the risks of medication use, and to start conversations with their health care team about what is right for them.
Please email us at, and we will send you the login information for this online presentation.
We sincerely hope you can join us!