AGNA is proud to be a sponsor of the following event to be held on Thursday, Feb 25th (6-8pm) and Friday, Feb 26th, 2016 (8:00 am-3:30 pm):
Alberta Health Services' Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network (SH SCN) is pleased to invite you to a FREE collaborative workshop for primary health care clinicians and other key stakeholders that provide services to people living with dementia in the community. This full day event, will bring together primary care teams from across Alberta to,
- Understand challenges in supporting people living with dementia and their caregivers in the community and discuss ways to address these challenges.
- Showcase best practices established in primary care in Alberta and Ontario that could lead to a future primary health care approach.
- Begin to establish a collaborative process by engaging interested primary health care and community teams in their ability to diagnose and care for people living with dementia in the community and their caregivers.
Program - ADDMA Workshop - Feb 25, 26, 2016 (Final)
Please use these posters to promote in your workplace/community
- Poster: Dementia Care in the Community - Open Forum - Final Feb 25th, 2016
- Poster: Advancing Dementia Diagnosis and Management in Alberta Feb 26th, 2016
Go here to register for free