Call for Abstracts for Posters

Call for Abstracts for Posters
Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association 2016 Education Day:
Advocating and Caring for the Dementia Client

The AGNA Scientific Review Committee would like to invite individuals working in the field of gerontology to submit abstracts for poster presentation at the Annual Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association - Education Day, April 22nd, 2016 scheduled for Red Deer, AB.

Posters should address topics of support and care of older adults.

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and need to be submitted for review no later than March 15th, 2016. Email confirmation of completed abstract submissions will be sent upon receipt of it. Email notification of abstract acceptance decision will be sent by March 21st. Please submit the following information to Sandi Hirst at

Please include the following information in your Abstracts Submission:

  • Title of Poster
  • Name of Presenter/s
  • Description of poster (research or quality improvement project) of no more than 200 words
  • Contact information including email address

Note: The primary author of the accepted abstract must register for the education day. Poster presenters assume all costs related to travel, accommodations, and other expenses related to their presentation.


We would also appreciate it if you could arrange to circulate and/or display the poster which can be downloaded below:



AGNA Conference 2016 Planning Committee

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