We invite all Calgary Chapter AGNA members to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Education Session on Wednesday May 19th at 6:30pm. A notification email has been sent to our members.
We will be talking about last year challenges and accomplishments, and plan for the next year events. Are you interested in becoming a volunteer with our Chapter Executive? Nomination can be presented during AGM and we welcome any interested member.
All participants will enter a draw for important door prizes
An education Session will follow the AGM. We are excited to have Kim Brundrit, the Collective Impact Lead at Dementia Network Calgary, as our Guest Speaker presenting on the “Dementia Lives Here” Project. A community awareness project designed to encourage neighbors to support each other. People living with dementia and their care partners are often isolated and Covid19 has increased their challenges.
To join the AGM and Education Session follow the link
Calgary Chapter AGM and Education Session
If you have any questions let us know at calgary-chair@agna.ca