Hi everyone: a reminder that Earlybird registration for the 2017 CGNA conference in Ottawa closes this Friday. This year of Canada 150 is great time to visit our capital city. Please have a look below for information about latebreaker abstracts, registration and membership renewal!
CGNA2017: Gerontological Nursing
Shaping Healthcare for those who Shaped Canada May 4-6, 2017 | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
19th Biennial Conference of the
Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (http://cgna.net) and the Gerontological Nursing Association of Ontario (http://gnaontario.org/) are excited to announce a Call for Latebreaker Abstracts for CGNA2017, the 19th Biennial Conference of the CGNA, taking place May 4-6, 2017 in Canada's capital city, Ottawa, Ontario!
Latebreaker abstracts are due March 24, 2017! For more information, please visit:
Register for CGNA2017 by March 3, 2017 and save on your registration fees with early bird rates!
The CGNA biennial conference is the only event of its kind that focuses on all facets of education, practice and research in the care of older adults.
With an increasing aging population, it is critical that gerontological nurses remain engaged with the latest developments in research and practice in the field.
The CGNA conference is a key educational and networking event for nurses, students, educators, policy makers, administrators and all others in the field of gerontological nursing.
Visit the CGNA2017 website to register, view the full conference program and learn more about the conference, including the pre-conference events, speakers, venue, social events and hotel and travel discounts:http://CGNA2017.ca
Join the CGNA! CGNA members save on registration fees for CGNA2017 among many other benefits. To join, please visit http://cgna.net/Membership.html
Follow us to keep updated on CGNA2017!